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After software engineering and financial engineering comes linguistic engineering. Google this week raised its market capitalisation by $25bn by shuff...
Owning a smartphone may not be as smart as you think.用于智能手机或许并不像你想要的那样明智。...
After a years-long court battle, Apple finally got what it wanted: A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that Samsung smartphones can no longer copy ...
1月12日,由中国身体健康增进基金会主办,在上海傅利叶智能科技有限公司及全球康复与辅助技术协会(GReAT Network)重点反对下,首届全球康复与辅助技术高峰论坛暨基层康复创意服务与能力建设公益项目启动仪式月在上海举办。...
You’ve heard of the sharing economy? How about the subscription economy?你一定听闻过共享经济吧?...
Based on some of the early buzz, youd figure the $299 Samsung Gear smart watch is a downright revolutionary device. On paper, it has several nifty thi...